AntiAging and You!

We are a product of our environment and must be realistic in knowing that the environment is not pure and because of the basic instinct of greed, we are living in a polluted world. The people who live the longest, exist in the high mountains where the air is not polluted, the water is full of healthy minerals and the food is free of synthetic chemicals. In the polluted world, we must recognize that polluted air, water and food produce free radicals and pathogenic germs that cause us to prematurely age with diseases and pain. For those of us that live in the chemical world, we can live 20 years or more longer, if we prevent free radicals and pathogens from shortening our life. Anti-aging depends on fighting free radicals and pathogens. Conventional medicine may let us live 20 years longer, but with the expectation of suffering. Fortunately, the choice is ours.

Antioxidants are chemicals that defuse free radicals and other biologically damaging molecular fragments in the body.

They consist of nutrients such as Beta-Carotene, Coenzyme Q10, Selenium, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are well known for their antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants are found in a full-range of fruits and vegetables, as well as in some meat, like fish. However, fruits and vegetables are the key source of antioxidants.

Although, our bodies produce its own antioxidants, the level of product declines over time because of environmental factors and through the aging process.


Free Radicals As part of the normal cell function, cells make toxic molecules called free radicals.

Free radicals are damaged molecules-molecules that are missing electronics

Free radicals are regarded as the primary force of destruction in nearly all-living things.

Free radicals take electrons from other non-damaged molecules. By doing so, the free molecules damage the cell.

As cell damage continues, it contributes to certain diseases and aging.

Free radicals can cause cancer, diabetes, cataracts, cardiovascular disease and wrinkles.


Slowing Down Oxidation Antioxidants are good at slowing down the oxidation process.

When oxidation occurs in food, fatty acids undergo chemical changes

Fatty acids are also found in the blood, which can undergo similar chemical changes, as does food.

Mental Decline Resulting From Aging A study published by the Journal of Neuroscience showed that rats fed antioxidant-rich strawberries and spinach had better memories and slower decline of nerve cells functions than rats fed a standard diet.

Most of us knows that we need to consume more fruits and vegetables than meats. Fruits and vegetables plays an important role in protecting against and possibly reversing the cognitive declines seen from aging.

Free radical destruction is said to be a key factor to a decline in memory and motor performance seen in aging.

The brain is especially vulnerable because it is relatively deficient in antioxidants to begin with.


Two general types of antioxidants work together to protect the cells and tissues of our bodies. One type protects the aqueous (watery) portion of the tissues and the other the hydrophobic, or lipid (fatty) component. The aqueous environment is protected by vitamin C, and at least two additional antioxidants produced by tissues, glutathione and thioredoxin. Cell membranes are protected by the lipid-soluble antioxidants, including vitamin E, and the ubiquinols (CoQ10). Another antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid, is unique in that it can enter and protect both lipid and water environments.

When vitamins C and E react with and neutralize a free radical, the oxidized or spent vitamins are converted back to the reduced or recharged, active form. Vitamin C can donate electrons to oxidized vitamin E and convert the E back to its active state, leaving vitamin C oxidized. Vitamin C, in turn, can be recharged after reacting with glutathione or the more potent antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid.

The most versatile antioxidant in the cell is alpha lipoic acid. It is one of the more potent antioxidants, owing to its property of being the most easily oxidized. Alpha lipoic acid is the foundation of an antioxidant network involved in the conversion of the spent or oxidized forms of four different cellular antioxidants back to their active protective forms. The obvious questions, then, are how lipoic acid is regenerated and whether this process ever ends.

The answer lies in the unique property of lipoic acid, its solubility in both water and lipid. Lipoic acid can be converted from its oxidized state to its reduced state with the aid of a mitochondrial enzyme (the organelle within the cell where energy is produced). Unlike vitamins C and E, the cell has machinery specifically designed for the regeneration of reduced lipoic acid. Therefore, lipoic acid can itself react with and neutralize free radicals in addition to recycling vitamins C and E (as well as CoQ10, glutathione and thioredoxin). This is critical, since each antioxidant has a unique function. The conclusion, then, is that all of these antioxidants are required for optimal cellular health.

Beta-carotene -- Found in dark green, dark yellow and orange vegetables and fruits.

Selenium -- Found in meats, fish, cereal, dairy products, Brazil and some other nuts.

Vitamin C - Found in orange juice, kiwi, grapefruit, strawberries, watermelon, green peppers, cauliflower and broccoli.

Vitamin E - Can be found in mayonnaise, margarine, salad dressing, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, crab, shrimp and fish.

Make sure you get the RDA for vitamin C, E and beta-carotene. If you rarely eat dark-green or orange varieties of fruits and vegetables, take a supplement, which supplies 100% of the RDA vitamins and minerals.

Studies show that people, especially as they age, don't get the RDA for vitamin E. Good food sources for vitamin E again are breakfast cereals that are fortified with 100% of the RDA for vitamins and minerals, shellfish, mustard or turnip greens, kale and collards.

Ito Nakamura is a Internet Health Enterprenuer specialising in marketing health supplements; health exercise equipments & beauty products.

Hair Removal by Waxing Hot and Cold Waxes

Waxing is an effective method of removing large amounts of hair at one time. With hot waxing, a thin layer of heated wax is applied to the skin in the direction of the hair growth. The hair becomes embedded in the wax as it cools and hardens. The wax is then pulled off quickly in the opposite direction of the hair growth, taking the uprooted hair with it. Cold waxes work similarly. Strips precoated with wax are pressed on the skin in the direction of the hair growth and pulled off in the opposite direction. The strips come in different sizes for use on the eyebrows, upper lip, chin, and bikini area.

Waxing is a temporary method of hair removal which removes the hair at the root. New hairs do not grow back in the waxed area for three to eight weeks. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, bikini area, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet'. But don't be fooled into thinking that waxing is for women only. Today's fashion trends have men waxing their bodies for cosmetic reasons, and many athletes such as bodybuilders and swimmers have been waxing for years.

The concept of waxing to remove bodily hair can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt where the wives of Royalty and the well-to-do looked at hair removal as a way to remain young and forever beautiful. That concept continued throughout the world with the Greeks and Turks as well.

Most waxes are comprised of some proportional mixture of paraffin or beeswax, natural oils or fats, and a specially designed resin to help the wax adhere to the skin. Some brands of wax add Vitamin E or other supplements. If you think that you might want to try waxing, the first step, whether you are a male or female, is to decide if you want to use the 'hot' or 'cold' wax technique.

The hot wax method involves heating the wax to a comfortable temperature. A thin layer of wax is spread onto the area to be treated in the direction of the hair growth. Once the wax is cooled it is quickly torn off, in the opposite direction of the hair growth, and the hair is removed with it. With the cold wax process, strips of cloth are pre-coated with wax. You apply the strips to the area to be treated, rub the strips in the direction of hair growth, and then pull the strips off quickly in the opposite direction. Although hot waxing techniques are a bit more messy than cold wax ones, many people find that the hot wax gives better results.

Post Waxing Skin Treatment

You can apply a non-perfumed moisturizer to the treated area if you want to. Moisturizers that are fortified with Vitamin B and/or Aloe vera are also good. Avoid the following activities for at least 24 hours after waxing:

- Swimming

- Using a Spa or Hot Tub

- Sunbathing

- Applying perfume, aftershave or deodorant to the treated area

Always check to make sure that the hot wax is below scalding or burning temperature before applying. People with diabetes should consult a doctor before waxing. Never wax over sunburned skin or peeling skin, lesions or infections, moles, warts, skin abrasions, rashes, or varicose veins. Never wax the eyelashes, nose or ear hairs, nipple hair, or hair which is growing directly on the genitals (bikini area is okay). Waxing is a great solution for the temporary removal of unwanted hair if you're tough enough to stand a little pain. Some hair removal experts recommend professional waxing for the best results.

Copyright 2005. Bridget Mwape writes for the Chemist's UK Website at: and she's also a regular contributor to the Discount Pharmacy Website at

Beauty Salon 12 Tips They Don't Want You To Know

Hair Care Professional- Breaking One In

Beauty Salon- It is so important for us to find the right beauty salon so that we can have the right look at the right time. However, there are certain things that beauty salon owners don't want you to know.

According to the September 13, 2005 issue of the LA Times, soon after Hurricane Katrina passed through the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama beauty salons with power and water reopened. Women who had lost EVERYTHING flocked to those open beauty salons. They wanted to look good even though they did not have a place to live. They wanted and needed professional hair care.

This fact alone confirms your intuition about the absolute necessity of finding the right beauty salon. This holds true for a beauty salon Santa Monica, or a beauty salon Long Beach, Mississippi.

Let me give you some general guidelines and tips to use when you are looking for a new beauty salon. I will also include some helpful suggestions about how to deal with your hair stylist.

1. How far is the beauty salon from your home or work? Is it convenient to either or both?

2. Telephone the salon. Ask if their hair care stylists have experience with your type of hair. For example, is your hair long, curly, textured or exposed to frequent changes to hair color, heat and the elements?

3. Search the Internet for reviews of beauty salons in your work or home zip codes.

4. It seems obvious, but it's crucial: Who do you know whose hair looks fabulous? Ask them where (and to whom) they go.

5. When you get to the beauty salon what does the atmosphere FEEL like to you? Is it peaceful or stressful? Which do you prefer?

6. Are you greeted right away or are you forced to wander around or ?twiddle your thumbs? until someone attends to you?

7. If you've made an appointment is it kept?

8. Is the beauty salon clean and well organized? Does everything seem to be in its place?

9. How is the staff dressed? Are they dressed appropriately to your taste?

10. What does the hair of the staff look like to you? Is the hair of the staff professionally done or is it sloppy?

Ok, you've decided that the beauty salon environment is satisfactory, now how do you deal with the hair stylist?

11. Collect and bring pictures that are appropriate for your type of hair. The biggest beauty salon hair disasters occur when your hair stylist doesn't understand what you want. Pictures help convey your message.

12. Don't immediately go for a cut, take it slower. Book a blow-dry with your selected stylist. Ask, if you were to cut my hair, how would you do it? Once you've set aside the time for a real consultation, here are some key questions to ask yourself as you talk to your stylist:

? DO YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE with the hair care stylist? You should like his or her sense of style. This means clothing, grooming, personality, everything.

? IS THE STYLIST ASKING YOU questions, giving ideas and suggestions that relate to your personality, rather than pointing to a style on the wall or in a book?

? IS THE HAIR CARE STYLIST ADDRESSING the health of your hair, not just proposing to cut off split ends? The two of you should be talking about conditioners and rinses that enhance shine and bounce, and special treatments that can prevent or repair damage done by the environment, such as pollution, sun, chlorine, humidity, or dry air.

? ONCE YOU'VE AGREED ON A LOOK, does the stylist preview how you'll need to blow it dry, wash it, and maintain it? These are all things to think about before actually getting the cut.

If you can answer most of the questions to your satisfaction, then you've probably found a beauty salon and a hair stylist that will make you look fabulous. If you cannot, then move on to the next beauty salon on your list.

Take the above tips with you when you come to Next Salon in Santa Monica, CA. We think that you'll find that you came to the right beauty salon.

Noori Daili specializes in making women and men look luscious and desirable. She is the founder and owner of Next Salon at 2400 Main Street in Santa Monica, California 90405. Call now at 310-392-6645 and mention this article for a 10% savings on hair service appointments. For more info go to the beauty salon website. Online appointments are welcome.

Inside Secrets of a Beauty Consultant Painless Hair Removal Tips You Can Use

If you have been shaving for a number of years you may be amazed when you hear claims that there is such a thing as painless hair removal that lasts. You will have tried everything for silky soft skin - shaving doesn't last, electrolysis and laser hair removal are too painful.

What you need to try is the new breed of epilators which gently pulls the hair while holiding the skin firmly to ensure no pain.

Panasonic designs some unique and easy to use epilators that will make your day go so much easier. You will have the comfort of knowing that you will be hair free even in sensitive areas for up to 4 to 6 weeks with a Panasonic epilator.

The only most women are talking about is the Panasonic Skin Protector System Epilator. This awesome epilator holds down your skin while it gently pulls out the hair. The 32 tweezer discs will gently pull even the finest hair from the root and does not come in direct contact with your skin. The head of the Panasonic Epilator slides from side to side very smoothly to remove all the hair including ones that are around 0.5mm. This is one epilator that you are sure to use all the time. It can go cordless with its rechargeable battery or can also be used with the cord. To re-charge all you need to do is plug it in. I particularly recommend this epilator for very sensitive skin.

Another recommended Panasonic Epilator is the ES119AC Progressions Cosmetic Groomer. This is one unique epilator that can be used by either a man or woman. It was designed especially for use on the face and neck. This cool epilator is battery operated, so there are never any cords in the way, so it is much easier to use. You will enjoy taking it with you as you travel or when you need to remove hair on the go. The stainless steel microfine blades will give you a comfortable and easy way to remove unwanted hair.

Once you have tried an epilator you will never rely on anything else.

As a beauty consultant Nicola Kennedy is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for Epilator Resources, Views and Information to help you choose the Best Epilator for you.

Copyright ? All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

Inner Cleavage!

I read an article back in March 2005 that had the words of the title of this article in it. I picked it up at the Cancer Center at Beaumont Hospital, in Detroit Michigan. It was a heartfelt story of a woman who had lost her breasts to Breast Cancer. The story went on to talk about Melissa Etheridge and of her deliberate boldness at the 2005 Grammy's, when she came out with a bald head, after her cancer treatments, as if proudly displaying it as her gift of life. The story went on to talk about women who in desperation for survival had in some ways traded their beauty for life.

I related to the story, being a breast cancer survivor myself. But, what truly touched me about that article was the woman in the story talking about how when her outer beauty had faded away, and during treatments, she was left with spirit, raw and powerful and hanging on with claws, daring her to live.

What a concept. Have you ever been dared to live? Tim McGraw has an old song titled Live like you were dying, about a man, who seemingly is given a certain number of years or months to live due to some type of fatal disease. In the song when asked what he was to do about this news, he replied with, skydiving, mountain climbing, and a wish to all of his friends to one day know what it feels like to live like you were dying.

I remember what it felt like going through my cancer treatments. I remember the ugliness of my body and the forced humbleness of a deep seeded pride. I recall wondering if I would live through it, the pain, the blisters and stress. Looking back, I realize, I lived every day. I lived more then each day then I sometimes do now. Why is it that we have to be faced with something tragic to appreciate LIFE? What is it in our human-ess that makes us forget the grace and mercy of God and the power of prayer until we are brought to our knees at a crucial point in our life and MADE to remember? Funny, how God sometimes has a way of reminding us of the fragility of life. I believe He does this just so that we DO remember.

I recently was reminded again last week when another lump was found after almost two years of survival. I'm a prayerful, faithful woman, but I found myself even MORE prayerful. I found more time to enjoy my days, to kiss my kids and tell my husband I loved him. I also found a lot more time for God. Hmmm, makes me wonder why. But isn't life funny that way? We move along forgetting that our time is short, our days are numbered, our fate is destined and we truly have no idea when Gods hand will reach down and pluck us from our busy, appointment filled, carpooling, grocery shopping, house cleaning, business building days. These precious days that we can't seem to find time to get on our knees and give thanks because we don't have the time. Why, because our lives are just too full. Too full. I want you to remember that last statement. Life IS full. Praise God our lives are filled! Live every single day of it!

We have one month, one day a year to get our families together to gather in praise and thanksgiving. A National Holiday will do that for most of us. But how about not waiting for that Thanksgiving Holiday or that crucial moment of unknown fate.

When you find yourself on your knees at times like these, stay there. We could all stand to kneel a little longer. My hope is that this year we remember Gods graces and appreciate our lives and everything in them because God is good! Something as simple as feeling your pulse each morning is proof of that. Keep on remembering. While you're at it, remember those full days when your inbox is so full that you can barely find time to breathe? Those are the days to be grateful for. Those are the days to get on your knees in praise because when your in-box is empty, you're dead.

By the way that lump in my breast? Nothing but a small cyst. Cancer Free another day! Praise the heavens for this and every day. I intend to fully live ALL of mine. How about you?

Melissa Privett is a Transformational Workshop Leader and Keynote Speaker. She is intensively trained to facilitate a myraid of seminars and workshops for personal and spiritual growth and self-acceptance. Her workshops are highly praised for their inspirational empowerment of women. Melissa is also available for Spiritual Life Coaching by phone or in person and Chakra and Energy Balancing by appointment. She can be reached at 248-231-8018 or visit her website at

Rosehip Seed Oil A Foundation for Beauty

Rosehip seed oil has become widely recognized as an effective skin and beauty care agent in the last decade, with great interest surrounding its scientifically-validated beauty-enhancing effects. The oil has been heralded as a miracle cure for skin, useful for a great myriad of conditions, from premature aging and sun damage to scarring and other damage. What is this wonderful red liquid, where does it come from, how does it work, and most importantly, can it work for you?

Rosehip seed oil is extracted from the seed within the fruit of the wild thorny rose bush. Native to Chile, the plant is now cultivated elsewhere in South America with many countries producing the oil. Also found under the name 'Rosa Mosqueta', the oil has been used by native people for hundreds of years, but only recently became known to the rest of the world.

The red colored oil can be either solvent extracted or 'cold-pressed' ? pressing is the really way to go, as there is no chance of any solvent residues remaining in the final product, and it is easier on the environment. The cold-pressed oil is the closest to nature; it has a high essential fatty acid content, and is considered more delicate than other seed oils. For this reasons, pure rosehip seed oil should be kept in a cool place, out of direct light, and should be used within 1 year of purchase. Otherwise the more fragile of the fatty acids could begin to turn bad, and your skin might not be so fond of them.

Rosehip seed oil is an excellent source of natural vitamin E and natural vitamin A, or 'trans-retinoic acid'. Retinoic acid, the acid derivative of vitamin A, is the active ingredient found in Retin-A or Tretinoin. Retin-A (a pharmaceutical preparation) has been heralded as a wrinkle cure because of its ability to increase skin cell proliferation ? or speed the time it takes for your skin to regenerate. In fact, rosehip seed oil has been extensively studied for many of the same actions attributed to Retin-A, and has been shown effective without side effects (like over-drying and peeling ? though unlike Retin-A, it should not be used to treat acne).

The first major study on rosehip seed oil was performed in 1983 by a team of researchers at the University of Santiago, Chile. The study's participants included individuals with diverse forms of skin damage: deep wrinkles and other premature aging, UV damage, radiation damage, acne scarring, burn scarring, dermatitis, and other problems of this type. Rosehip seed oil was shown to have significant, noticeable effects in regenerating the skin, reducing wrinkles and scars, and helping the skin to regain its natural color and tone.

Another later study was conducted on women ages 25-35 with extensive premature aging of their skin. Again, rosehip seed oil significantly reduced the appearance of wrinkles and sun spots after daily application for four months. Research has continued on the oil, with one study noting: On some skin troubles like superficial wrinkles, chestnut spots and ephelides, good results have been obtained. After 16 weeks of treatment, wrinkles and spots become imperceptible. The oil has been used to successfully treat a long list of skin related conditions, including: age spots, wrinkles and premature aging, sun damage, scars from acne, burns, and surgery, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, hyper-pigmentation, brittle nails, and even dry and damaged hair.

Besides its regenerative properties, rosehip seed oil is also an excellent moisturizer. This is most likely due to its high essential fatty acid content (fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself), which are necessary for healthy skin. The oil penetrates the upper layers of the skin quickly and, being known as a 'dry' moisturizer, does not leave the skin feeling greasy or oily.

As for daily use of rosehip seed oil, it is considered extremely gentle and can be applied undiluted to the skin. It may also be blended with other oils like jojoba and sweet almond, and will still have wonderful effects at 10% of the total concentration. Further, rosehip seed oil makes an excellent carrier oil for aromatherapy ? blends with essential oils having skin regenerative and soothing properties are highly recommended.

For improvement of scarring, a simple blend of 20 drops of Helichrysum Italicum per 1 ounce of rosehip seed oil, applied daily to the area, can be helpful. Helichrysum is known for its content of regenerative 'ketones'. For a more luxurious beauty blend, try the following in 4 ounces of rosehip seed:

5 drops Helichrysum
5 drops Lavender
3 drops Sandalwood
3 drops Neroli
3 drops Carrot Seed
3 drops Geranium
2 drops Roman Chamomile
2 drops Jasmine
1 drop Palmarosa
1 drop Ylang Ylang

Even simply the Helichrysum and Lavender will go a long way ? Lavender oil is very gentle, and is also known to have regenerative properties.

So, whether using rosehip seed oil for healing your skin, or simply giving it a little nourishment, you will almost certainly be happy with the results. This luscious oil, with its broad range of positive effects, is sure to take a prominent place in your natural beauty botanical collection.

Misty Rae Cech ND is a naturopath and yoga teacher practicing in Boulder, Colorado. She utilizes many natural therapies in her practice, including aromatherapy and flower essence therapy. She is the founder of the Ananda Apothecary Flower Essences and Ananda Aromatherapy Essential Oils.

Beauty Tips for Luscious Lips

The last step in your makeup regime is lipstick application. Some women say if they could have only one beauty item it would be lipstick. Lip color brings the whole look together to create harmony. To keep your lips looking perfect, have lip color with you at all times and reapply when needed.

When you select a lip color take in consideration your clothing and blush colors. The color of your clothing and blush should complement your lipstick but doesn?t have to be perfectly matched. However, the colors should be in the same intensity and range. Wear cool colors together and warm colors together. Pink lipsticks go with blue and pink colors and corals and russets go with clothing that falls in a yellow/orange range.

Steps to apply lip color:

1.Prepare your lips by applying foundation over them (this will extend the wear).

2.Outline and define the shape using a lip pencil that has soft, pointed top. Start at the V in your upper lip drawing down to the corners. Then, starting at the middle of the bottom lip draw a line to the corners. To help lipstick stay on longer, use your pencil to cover the lips entirely.

3.Fill in upper lip with lipstick or you can use a lip brush.

4.Fill in the lower lip and then blot with a tissue and reapply.

5.Dab gloss in the centre of your lower lip to create a fuller more glamorous look.

When defining the lips with a lip pencil be sure the pencil and lipstick colors are very close. The lip liner should not be noticeable. Lip liners are meant to keep your lipstick in place, keep lipstick from bleeding, define the shape and help them look more natural. Do not try to change the shape of your lips by going outside the natural line.

* Dark lipsticks will make small lips appear smaller.

Sheila Dicks is an image and wardrobe consultant who teaches women how to dress to suit their body type and look slimmer. You can visit her at to download her Image Makeover ebook and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.

Food Addiciton!

Hi, I have had a weight problem all my life. But I think it is more of a pleasure problem It is also a self esteem of issue. Food was always a reward or to keep me happy kind of thing. Food is a happy gathering kind of thing... holidays.. going out to eat..sweet cakes on my birthday. Even as a baby I am sure that I was given food when I wasn't given personal attention.

Diet's are a form of restrictions.

When a person is on a diet it is like a statement to everyone around them that they are trying to lose weight. They are telling the people around them they can only eat a certain foods... That food is the food that is on the diet. It is a form of restriction on a loved one. They now have to show their love by helping me stay on a diet. With a diet it seems easier for a person to watch me sweat and work out harder to obtain that new weight that I have set for myself.

I seem to think that being one of the reasons for me being fat. As a baby, a child is given a bottle to drink to make them happy and stop crying. Even I give myself pleasure with food. I have learned to have pleasure from food.

Now diet, is a plan of food a person eats for life to keep a certain weight. OK.. the rules change, and now my self esteem is up and I am worth surviving. Yes, it is a survival issue. Eating too much can kill me.

Of course the story of being fat isn't that easily answered or talked about. There are many other factors on the way I think about this issue. There is much more to it. Much, much more.

And this wonderful web site and you wonderful gals are helping me. Women need more self esteem on many issues. Women can and deserve to be happy.

- Peggy (WSE member)

Thank You Peggy for allowing me to share your post in my blog. For people with an emotional addiction for food, losing their extra weight is a lot harder than eating less food and getting on the treadmill. Many people are over weight because they are suffering with an inner issue. They will use food as an emotional void filler. The only reason they are hungry is because they are sad. They have confused hunger with sadness. They use food as their drug to feel calmness. They will eat and space out as an addict does after a fix.

They will also fall into the roller coaster of self-loathing. Loathing the fact that they once again fell into the unnecessary need for food. People that are obese and actually have lost weight, are of two minds. They feel like they are someone else when they are thinner and live a life where they fear that they could fall into that food addiction at any second. The other mind is the one that is consumed with self-disgust and a weakness for the addiction of food. People with eating addictions love and hate food. Again being of two minds. They try to justify themselves, by criticizing people without food addictions. They will drive by fast food restaurants and debate within themselves, only to increase the need for food, which only causes them to devour even more than usual. They are in a constant battle with, should I or shouldn't I. I know I shouldn't but I so want to. It's a viscous circle for them.

One of the hardest things for obese people to deal with is the whispers and snickers from other people as they pass by them. They know well enough that they disgust people just by watching their reactions, yet is is not enough to make them stop eating. Obese people are ridiculed in public all the time and they loose out on many relationships because the other person cannot understand their addiction for food. Food addicts will even ignore that they are literally killing themselves with every bite that they do not need.

They choose to not think about it, as any addict does. Some will say that solving food addiction is as easy as just telling people to stop being lazy, to exercise and to stop over eating. For them, food means so many things besides fueling their bodies with nutrients. Their addiction will totally over rule their nature to protect themselves, health wise or society`s concerns about appearance.

Depression, low self-esteem, history of abuse, poverty, family obesity and emotionally troubled childhood upbringings are a few of the greatest causes that trigger off food addiction. As I said earlier in this article, people are desperate to fill an emptiness. Food is the easiest route to reaching that full feeling they desire. Emotional emptiness is the monster that creates the addiction in obese people.

You would think that with all the methods that have proven to help people with their weight issues, there would not be a single overweight person, but the numbers are growing faster every day. Obesity is one of the only health issues the we know how to battle and prevent, yet we fail to do so.

Why is that? Is it because FAT is one of those HUSH words? Do we ignore the overweight issues of others, so not to hurt their feelings? Are we doing them any favours by pretending it is OK to be dangerously overweight? Do we feel that if they like themselves like that, who are we to judge them? Do we think to ourselves, better them than me?

People that are addicted to the food drug are just as mprisoned as any other addict. There is only one way to get off the drug, and that is to seek help. Also they must want to get off this drug, for themselves. They must want to feel good about themselves. To be able to get to that point, they must build their self-esteem and address the skeletons in their closets. This is why I created This is one road to an addiction-free place in your mind.

As you read in Peggy`s post, she has finally begun her climb up the mountain to a better feeling person. She wanted to share this with other women that are behind those bars of food addiction. It is beatable. You just have to want to begin the battle.

Again HUGGZZZZ Peggy.

Dorothy Lafrinere
Website- Weblog- Forum- email-

AntiAging Skin Care Secrets & Solutions

Anti-aging skin care is simple. But there are steps you'll need to take. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and the only one exposed to the elements. It?s also the only one exposed to the view of others, so you?ll want to make sure it ages as slowly as possible.

As time goes by, your skin tends to get thinner, dryer, more wrinkled and, eventually, age spots may appear. Although you can?t stop the process, you can slow it down dramatically. Besides using high quality skin care (mild cleansers and effective moisturizers), there are two other secrets to your skin?s fountain of youth.

Since ?garbage in, garbage out? applies to your body as well as your computer, healthy skin requires a healthy diet. Reduce your over all fats to under 30%, replacing processed and saturated ?bad? fats with ?good? essential fatty acids. Eliminate sweets and other processed carbohydrates and add more whole grains and carotenoid rich fruits and vegetables. Exercise carries the essential nutrients to your cells and eight glasses of water a day keeps cells hydrated and flushes out harmful toxins.

Carotenoids are a family of phytonutrients that have been proven over and over again to protect human cells from oxidative free-radical damage - one of the major causes of skin aging. That?s why the National Institutes of Health recommends eating nine daily servings of brightly colored fruits and vegetables ? peaches, strawberries, broccoli, etc. rather than iceberg lettuce, bananas and French fries. To make sure you?re getting optimum skin benefits, a good whole food carotenoid supplement will help.

The other important guideline for anti-aging skin care is to avoid sun exposure. Just driving with your arm out the window of your car can cause sun damage and accelerate aging. So get UV tinting on your car windows and keep your arm inside. Wear sunglasses, a hat, long sleeves and long pants and always use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15.

Carotenoids have also been found to help prevent sunburn, so get more into your diet. Years from now, your magic mirror on the wall will confirm that you?ll be glad you did.

Moss Greene makes it easy for you to create buoyant, vibrant health. Learn the simple things that make a big difference in how you look and feel. To receive your free newsletter visit her Health and Fitness Newsletter page.

Brushes with Greatness

Your best and least expensive tools are your very own fingers. How do you use them appropriately and effectively for a natural looking makeup application? First and foremost, wash your hands! You can easily transfer bacteria onto your face causing breakouts or worse, you might transfer bacteria directly into the makeup causing it to grow and multiply. Yuck. Use a delicate, gentle touch, especially around your eyes and avoid tugging or pulling your skin.

Brushes are the second best tools to complete your makeup tool-kit. Invest in a good set of various brushes for cheeks, eyes, brows and lips. Look for brushes that are soft to ensure a gentle application. Brushes provide the least harmful way to transfer makeup to the face.

Brush Types: Powder Brush-The largest brush in the set. It is used to blend or to apply loose powder and cheek color. It can also be used to soften the foundation coverage.

Cheek Color Brush-Also a large fluffy brush. If possible, try to avoid using the brush that comes with the compact. Typically those brushes are too small and hard, leaving streaks of color on the face. Using a larger brush will help you blend for a more natural look.

Eye Shadow Brushes-There are several types of eye color brushes. However, two simple brushes are probably all you will need. One that is slightly slanted for application in the crease and another for applying color to the entire lid.

Lip Brush-A brush is a great way to use up the last bit of your favorite lipstick. You can also precisely cover your lips without disturbing the lip liner. A small retractable lip brush can be very handy to keep in your purse. Many brands of lip balm come in small jars or tins, requiring you to use your fingers for application. However, if your hands not particularly clean, you run the risk of contaminating the product and transferring bacteria to your lips.

Eyebrow Brush-Used to keep your eyebrows under control. Try applying a little clear mascara to keep your eyebrows in place. A fuller brow is ?in? now, but we don?t want you looking like a mad scientist. Just follow the arch that nature has already provided you. Clean up the stray hairs under you brow and above the bridge of your nose.

Caring for your brushes:

You probably know what I am going to tell you by now. You must wash your brushes regularly. Gently and carefully wash with warm water and mild dish soap or baby shampoo. Wash the bristles only. Never soak the brushes as that might loosen the glue that holds them together. Rinse until the water runs clean. Let the brushes air dry standing up in a cup. (Laying them down on a tissue will leave dampness on the area facing down and may pick up tissue particles.)

Have a great day!

Dawn Hull Professional Skin Care Consultant

Sign up to receive a FREE monthly beauty newsletter: Beaut-e-News - Discover what's new, what's now ? what's changing the face of makeup and skin care! You'll find beauty secrets revealed and tips and techniques that will help you look your beautiful best. Click here to register:

The Right Beauty Supplies Will Make You Look Great!

Use beauty supplies the right way and yours could well be the face that launched a thousand ships! Growing old may be mandatory, but looking it certainly isn?t. It?s just that one has to do it right. But that?s exactly what?s difficult. The mind boggles with the onslaught of unending types of beauty supplies, countless makeup and enticing brands. Am I using the right beauty supplies? Am I doing it correctly? What about side effects? Thankfully, makeup tips are not very difficult to find.

Trust the beauty supply expert.

Generally, you can always trust a beauty supply expert. And thankfully, one is almost always available without much trouble. The media abounds with beauty supply tips. And then there are brands that you can trust your skin with. Or use exotic mineral beauty supplies that are a great alternative to chemical beauty supplies. They use natural ingredients and causes less damage to the skin. Over a period of time, the presence of wrinkled skin could make that vital difference between skin that used regular beauty supplies and skin that used natural beauty supplies.

Beauty supplies today not only means enhancing beauty that is skin-deep, it also means preservation of skin nutrition. After all, our skin is the largest organ of our body and needs adequate nutrition like any other organ. Consistent, healthy skin care is the best way to avoid wrinkles, sunspots and premature aging. It will pay off in the end. We spend our hard-earned cash on beauty and skincare. Lets make sure that its main beneficiary is our skin, not skin care product manufacturers.

About The Author

Mike Yeager

7 Beauty Tips

For most women, part of the Literary morn and dusk routines involve a skincare regimen of applying creams, moisturizers, tonics, lotions, and the like. Why do women put themselves prep this? They do it especially to conflict the signs of aging, and to maintain youthful advent and beautiful film! It is a safe bet, nevertheless, that most women haven't put greatly thought below what is in the distribute that they are using.

Some women probably do not fulfil that what they are putting on their derma may actually be vitiation what they are irksome to prevent to begin by. In actuality the mean woman puts twelve commodities on her incrustation daily, most of which contain unhealthy chemical preservatives.

But true health and true beauty own an outer component, which is why we call protection from environmental insults such as solar diffusion, pollutants in our milieu and the drying effects of air. . . The reality is you simply cannot contain a healthy carcass if your pelt isn't healthy. And your skin can't be healthy if your are subjecting it to baleful substances that are at last engrossed prep your Slang stiff.

So, what can women do? How can they combat environmental pollutants, the affect of solar radiation, and the drying effects of air? How can they be sure they are using the exceedingly superb deal in on their skin so they can be healthy inside and out? Here are 7 tips to second in this process:

1. Be exceedingly aware of what is in skincare staples. Use market that are all customary as much as thinkable.

2. Usually for retail that contain Dermal Surface Restoration Technology. DSR smoothes gone missing factual signs of aging such as snicker lines, crows feet, and tedium.

3. Use market that have regenisomes. Regenisomes drill the skin to velocity cubicle renewal after sun revelation. They holdings use the light of photosomes to undo sun damage, and have ultrasomes to renew skin prep sleeping.

4. Reveal products with Proteo-C and Proflavonol-T. These two vitamins defend the skin from immature aging caused by the sun, pollution, and substitute environmental factors. They effects contribute advanced nutrition to the skin to keep it appearing smooth and firm.

5. If possible, use products that are paraben unconfined. Parabens are man-made chemical preservatives that are widely worn in live dolour products such as shampoos, conditioners, mane styling products, make-up, puss masks, skin lotions and creams, and deodorants. They valuables are typically fundamentals in baby lotions, shampoos, and variant personal care products for infants and offspring.

In addition, parabens are in uncountable foods and pharmaceutical products. Researchers are dawn to find parabens in benign and malignant human bosom tumors. While manifold studies have challenged their malignity in many products and question their long appellation affect on humans, using products that are paraben free can reject the risk of exposure to this destructive chemical.

6. Lap plenty of sea water! Sea water hydrates skin and hair as agreeably as flushes toxins out of the body.

7. Limit emphasis or understand to manage it effectively. Stress is harmful both emotionally and hysically. Find that stress reliever activity that mill best and use it on a daily basis!

Follow the on high 7 tips to true beauty and health.

Andrew runs a beauty blog: Beauty products - learn beauty products tips, beauty products secrets from our beauty products blog.

More Beauty Tips ==>

Anti Aging Skin Care and Treatments Dermatologists Use and Recommend

?Mirror, mirror on the wall, who?s fairest of them all? might have been the uttering of one of the most hated characters we have come across, but this concern for outward good looks is too deep-rooted in the human psyche. The basic concept of beauty has been and remains to be soft, flawless, glowing skin. Advancing age, however, takes its toll and the skin becomes blotchy, rough and dull. Seen from this angle, the topic ?anti aging skin care and treatments? calls for sincere reflection. The sagging and sinking skins have had enough of natural beauty tips that do really well unless scars and wrinkles steal appearances and the once healthy skin falls an easy prey to advancing age. It is time now that they get some insight into the steps being taken in anti aging skin care and treatments.

A number of aesthetic or cosmetic plastic surgery like face-lifts, thread lifts, fat transfer and a host of non-surgical skin refinishing treatments are now available to fight back the impacts of aging and the harsh treatments meted out to skin. Given the wide selection of skin-rejuvenating treatments, it is preferable that a reliable dermatologist be entrusted with the responsibility of working out the ideal anti aging skin care treatment to eliminate and soften the effects of aging.

The recommended skin care regimen prescribed by the skin specialist may be a singular or a combination cure, depending on the seriousness of the condition, age and other health related issues. The surgical part of the treatment is handled by the skin specialists but the follow-up skin care program necessitates total patient involvement.

The following section elaborates some of the anti aging skin care treatments, which can be used at home:

Glycolic Acid ? Glycolic or ?fruity acid? treatments are good for pigmented aging skin. The bleaching-cum-moisturizing action of this anti aging skin care treatment removes the skin blotches and smoothens the rough, sun-damaged skin, reviving its natural freshness. Available in two forms (cream and face wash), Glycolic Acid should be applied to the face twice daily or as recommended by the skin specialist. There are no serious medical problems associated with the usage of glycolic acids other than causing temporary skin irritation and redness sometimes. It is regarded as a safe anti-aging skin treatment. Caring for the rejuvenated skin involves use of sun block creams too.

TCA Skin Peels ? The TCA skin peels are the most sought after anti-aging skin care treatments, because these medium strength peels are perfectly safe and essentially effective. They fight back the ravages of advancing years by removing facial lines and wrinkles and give back the skin its lost elasticity, suppleness.

The best thing about this easy-to-apply, home-based anti-aging skin care treatment is that its effect lasts up to a year or so. Twice a year application of TCA peels will certainly benefit the skin and are now available for at home use (see the website below for more on this).

Adding some natural skin care tips like hydrating the body inside out, going for a balanced diet (containing anti-oxidants), a little meditation and other health tips summarize a full-fledged anti aging skin care program.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels for plastic surgeons, medispas, and in home use. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale:

How To Take Care Of Your Home Tanning Bed

We all wanted to have our tanning beds to last as long as possible. This is why some people buy tanning beds that are touted to be durable. But tanning beds do last long if the owners take good care of them.

Here are some ways to take good care of your tanning bed.

After each session, you need to do two things, ?inspect? and ?clean?. You need to inspect the click strip and make sure that it is attached firmly. And you need to inspect the facial glass (if your tanning bed has it) and make sure that it has no cracks or any other ?blemishes?. Then, you need to clean. You must clean the bench and canopy acrylics. Use only the right cleaning liquid, not alcohol nor bleach. And use only soft non-abrasive cloth. You must also clean the tanning bed pillow. Do not use the outdoor or oil-based tanning lotions. These will damage the acrylic. And lastly, you must clean and sanitize the goggles. This is also for your own safety.

Everyday, you do the same thing to your tanning bed, even if you are not using them, and especially if there are many users of the bed. That is, you must inspect and clean. You must inspect the acrylics for cracks, wear, or hazing. Then, you clean the pillow, the bench, and the canopy acrylics. You must also clean and sanitize goggles and the bed exterior. Again, use only the approved cleaning solution.

Once a week, aside from inspecting and cleaning, you must do more things to make sure that your tanning bed is in top condition. You must dust the lamps. But do not touch them with your bare hands. Then you must remove and clean the inside of the bench and canopy acrylic sheets. You must wipe and vacuum the fans, the vents, and the vent hoses. Check if the shock tension needs to be adjusted. If it does, then adjust it. Check the set bolts if these are still tight. And check the power cord and the bench-to-canopy connectors if these are also snug with no wear and tear.

And monthly, you clean again the bench and canopy acrylics. You also need to clean the reflectors using the appropriate cleaning solution. Inspect the vent hoses for optimum ventilation and do the necessary adjustments if needed. For sufficient ventilation, make sure that the bed is at least six inches away from the wall. And lastly, check the voltage being supplied to the bed. It should conform with the ones stated in the manufacturer?s guidelines. If you need to replace a lamp, choose replacements that meet the frequency recommendations.

When you do all these things with your tanning bed, then you are assured that the quality of your tanning bed will last longer.

John Grant is a full time article writer who spends most of his time writing articles about home tanning beds and other health / beauty related topics.

How to Reduce the Appearance of Age Spots

Age spots are mainly caused by long-term sun exposure. Although sun is the number one reason for developing age spots, smoking, a poor diet, poor liver function, and a diet rich in oxidized oils are also contributing factors.

These age spots are a result of the overproduction of lipofuscin, a dark substance produced by our cells. Age spots usually begin appearing when we are in our 30?s and, besides being unsightly, increase our risk of skin cancer. As is the case with most skin conditions, age spots are easier to prevent than to treat. Eating a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, carrots, yams, and other foods that are high in carotene will help reduce your chances of getting age spots in the first place. If you are already are suffering from age spots, don?t loose hope. There are options available to you to reduce the appearance of age spots, as well as improve the overall health of your skin.

There are several products on the market today that will help in diminishing the look of age spots. Fade creams are a popular choice among consumers. These over-the-counter creams contain moisturizers with a two percent hydroquinone content which is a bleaching agent that will aid in the fading process. Best results are obtained with the cream is used in conjunction with glycolic acid moisturizer. Prescription creams that contain vitamin A, such as Retin-A or Retinova, work more effectively than the over-the-counter fade creams.

There are more invasive options available to you for those suffering from a more serious case of age spots. Chemical peels are one of these options. Using 30%-70% glycolic acid, the fading factor is much more pronounced than in either of the creams mentioned above. The treatment is simple and can be done in a short session, even on your lunch break if need be. You will need more than one treatment to reach the full effects of the procedure.

Laser resurfacing is another option similar to the chemical peel. In this procedure, the age spots are literally burned off the skin?s surface with a laser and can be accomplished in one treatment. It does, however, have a recovery time of about one week and can be quite expensive.

For a more natural and cost-effective way to help prevent age spots simply limit your exposure to the sun and, when you are in the sun, wear sunscreen. Limit your alcohol intake and eat a well balance diet.

Brian Fong

There are options available to you to reduce the appearance of age spots, as well as improve the overall health of your skin.

Eat Your Way to Beautiful Skin

Expensive creams, steam bath, careful removal of makeup and a good foundation is well and good. However, this is only partly the way to the flawless skin Hollywood-stars and models display. Beauty and perfect skin come from within, and especially has a lot to do with what you eat. This article tells you how to obtain clear, shining and beautiful skin

Drop white food
Yes, French fries will cause acne, but not because of the large amounts of fat. It is the potatoes that provoke the pimples, a new study reveals. Scientists examined the food habits of 1 200 Paraguayan hunter-gatherers free of acne, and concluded that they eat completely different compared to most people in the Western world. Their diet consisted of protein, fruit and vegetables and was stripped of simple carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and similar products ? important aspects in our daily fare. The researchers concluded that our propensity for carbohydrates makes the insulin level increase dramatically, which in the last instance causes pimples.
If you want beautiful face skin free of acne, replace all carbohydrates with whole meal bread, -pasta and brown rice ? they are decomposed at a slower rate and will not provoke acne inducing insulin intoxication like white bread, normal pasta and rice.

Eat a lot of fish
Fish is rich in essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6,. These fatty acids counteract the blocking of pores that cause acne, and in the long term, more wrinkles. Salmon, mackerel and tuna are the species richest in the healthy acids, but if you don?t like fish you can also find them in almond, hazelnuts and flaxseed.

Goodbye blush food
A touch of color on the cheeks is nice, but bright red blushing from top to collar bone is not necessarily desirable. If you have a tendency for blushing, be alert that certain food and drinks may be the cause. This especially applies for spice, salted and smoked meat, taste amplifiers (especially sodium glutamate) and alcohol (especially red wine). This kind of food makes the blood vessels expand, and cause red cheeks and blushing neck and breast. However, everybody reacts differently on food be alert on what makes you turn red.

A lot of olive oil
If you avoid fatty substance to keep the waist slim, your face may be paying the price. A lot of young women experience dry skin that peel of because they don?t get enough fatty substance. If your daily intake is less than 20 gram (approx. two tablespoons of oil) the skin is not able to uphold. Not only will the skin look dry and dead, it will also accelerate wrinkles. Without fat the body cannot absorb vitamin A, which the body needs to counter the ageing process. Therefore: Use avocadoes and nuts in the salad and pour some olive oil on top ? it doesn?t hurt!

Stephen Ross is a article author, aiming in supplying people with the most detailed and comprehensive data on skin care issues. A one-stop online resource guide - find helpful information, tips, articles and advice available.

5 Common Beauty Mistakes That Age Your Skin Prematurely

What you do now can affect how quickly you age 10 or 20 years down the road. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to premature aging of your skin. Whether you look 10 years older than your peers or 10 years younger than them a few decades from now all depends on what you do now.

These 5 mistakes are

1. Too many late nights.

Whether you party all night long or work through the night to meet deadlines. Not getting enough sleep at night is going to affect your skin. In the short run, you look terrible the next day without makeup. In the long run, your skin ages faster. Some of the women who stay beautiful into their twillight years have always gone to bed early every night since they were young.

2. Too much crash diets.

Lose weight suddenly then gain it back and lose it again quickly, over and over again. Your skin has to readjust to all that weight gain and weight loss so often it loses its elasticity. Result.. you end up looking older than if you had lost weight gradually and kept at a certain weight.

3. Too much junk food

All that sugar, salt, additives, artificial flavouring, cholesterol, fat and unhealthy stuff in your junk food all adds up. It gets worse if for lunch, you have a pack of M & Ms on the go. Not only do you get fat, stretching your skin further, you deprive your body of the nutrients you need. Your skin needs vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients you get from fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, grains and wholesome food. The women who look younger than their actual age tend to have healthy diets. Snack on fresh fruit and nuts instead of junk food. Eat proper nutritious meals.

4. Getting a real tan

No doubt, lots of A-list celebrities sport that glowing tan. The gorgeous crowd is often a tan crowd. You can get that tan too, but do it without the sun or UV lamps. You see, a real tan is produced when the UV rays of the sun damage your skin. It might look healthy but someone who tans regularly when young usually ends up with leathery skin decades later, more wrinkles than their peers, and that is IF they are lucky. Some even end up with skin cancer. The smart way to get that gorgeous tan is use sunless tanning products.

5. Not using sunscreen.

You might use all the anti-aging skin care products you can find, but if you skip sunscreen, all is in vain. Sun damage is one of the biggest culprits in the premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Whether you are at the beach or going out to get some groceries, your skin needs protection from the sun. Each morning, as part of your skin care routine, apply a sunblock moisturizer.

The writer is the webmaster of, where you can find cosmetics, skincare, makeup and all the beauty products from your favourite beauty brand.

Reveal Your Beauty

It is a blessing for a child to hear that she is beautiful.

My family is small, just my parents, sister and me. My sister and I are three years apart. Ever since she was born, she received many praises from family members and strangers, on how cute and pretty she was. My mother too ? my relatives always complimented how good my mother looked. There are two experiences I remember vividly. My mom, sister and I were at a department store. A pretty lady from one of the make up counters rushed out and said to my mother: your baby daughter is so pretty! Then she looked at me and said nothing. Another incident happened while we were having a dinner with family and relatives. One of my aunts said to me: Noelle, I hate to tell you this, but your mother is more beautiful than you.

These incidents had hurt the heart of a little child of no more than 6 years old.

It wasn?t that I didn?t have anything good within me. I had the brains ? evident by my report cards from school. Yet brains rarely impress on first sight like beauty does. It is easy to be drawn to outer beauty. But what about the beauty we have within?

Comparisons of our looks continued throughout our adolescent and teenage years. Each one of them was painful. My mother, also drawn to outer beauty, has confirmed with others who said I was inferior in looks than my sister.

These experiences have prompted me to see beauty in all people. There must be something good in each of us. This is one of the reasons why I am now a personal image consultant, because there are elements in colour, clothing and communication skills that are harmonious to every individual. What is beauty anyway? To me, beauty is harmony. Nature is all about harmony. We can always draw inspirations from it. Take a look at the sky during daytime and night time; each flower; each blade of grass. Each is different, yet each is beautiful.

Yet, it is undeniable that people judge others in the first thirty seconds of meeting. We cannot go against this ingrained human nature and think people should not judge others by how they look, because in reality, they do. How can we make the best of what we have to bring out our outer beauty?

The key word is harmony. If your body is mainly straight and narrow, wear straight lines and stiff clothing. If you body has curves, wear curvy lines and soft, drapey clothes. If you are big, wear clothing with thick lines; if you are delicate, stay with thin lines. If your eyes, hair and skin tones are warm, wear warm colours. If cool, then wear colours that are blue based, rather than yellow based. Do not feel pressured by wearing what?s current. There are elements we can incorporate into our clothes and make up to keep our images current, but we do not have to be a slave to fashion and make up. Just pick out elements that are harmonious to you, and ignore the rest.

Most important, see beauty everywhere, each person you meet. From this you will appreciate your own beauty even more. If you are a mother with a daughter, see her inner and outer beauty, and tell her how beautiful and wonderful she is. It is a great blessing to a child. This is part of her foundation in self esteem.

What will you do today to see your own beauty?

Noelle Wong sees and unveils beauty in people. She is the owner of iN-IMAGE! Inc., a personal image consulting company in Toronto that offers one-on-one consultations and workshops to help people increase their personal presence. For inquiries please contact her at Her website is

Natural Beauty Tips

Let me mention first what you should follow first is fruits, plenty of fruits and vegetables.They give you the right vitamins and minerals for healthy looking skin that glows. Here is a beauty tip for your face, that will make your face look radiant and take off the dead skin.

-About a dime size portion of Miracle Whip not mayonnaise.

-Make sure you don't apply too much. You just want a a nice layer and don't forget your neck.

-Leave this on your face for 20 minutes.

-And then start with clean dry fingertips messaging in small circles. Soon you will see little balls of dead skin coming off. Keep rubbing until your face and neck are done.

-Wash with a mild cleanser, and moisturize as normal. I love to do this. You won't believe how soft your skin feels and the radiant glow that it will give you.

Apply eyeshadow with cotton swabs for an alternative of an applicator. It's soft and makes your eyeshadow apply evenly. And they are desposable too, so you toss them away.

Another way to remove your make-up on your eyes is vaseline. It removes it very well and is a natural ingredient.

Another tip is, apply clear lipgloss under lipstick for soft & shiny lips.

A soak for tired feet is always a treat. Soak them for an half an hour in warm water and add slices of lemons.

If you're not pleased on how your teeth look here is a way where you can brighten them up just by using baking soda and perioxide. Baking soda has been healthy for teeth for many years. So you know it's safe. All you need is 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of perioxide mix and brush with toothbrush. Rinse. Be sure the perioxide is no greater than 3%. It says it on the label. This is an inexpensive way to whiten and brighten your teeth. And it's a healthy way to have whiter brighter teeth.

The loofah sponge has been another way to have healthy looking skin too. Plus fights nasty cellulite, that we don't want. It was first used by women in many European countries for many centuries for healthy skin. It really works! If you don't have a loofah sponge yet, go buy one. They sell them in many supermarkets and department stores. You should apply body wash on the loofah sponge and rub all over your entire body in your shower or bath. You will soon feel a tingling sensation and your skin getting softer and smoother like a babies skin. The tingling sensation means it's working. And you will feel better using the loofah sponge because it has benefits for you and your skin.

I hope you enjoyed these natural beauty tips I gave you. So remember... be beautiful and stay that way!

I live with my husband. We are a Team together. I love to cook gourmet at times. I love to relax with a good cup of mocha coffee or raspberry green tea. We love the ocean and beaches. We like healthy living and many things in life. Frangesca has a Website on healthy living. A must to see website. Check it out here and/or

Luxurious Hair After Pregnancy

During pregnancy period, especially on late terms, hairs often make a woman glad. They become strong and shining. You just cannot believe that, while looking at comb, you can see no hairs on it. This happens due to your organism?s satiation with vitamins, nutritive substances and favorable hormonal background. However, 3-4 months later you can see a reverse process: hairs fall out sometimes, suffer from fragility and look lifeless. Don?t panic! Your hairs soon will gain beauty again, but you definitely should help them. ?Delicate? life of a hair

One loses about 60-80 hairs per day. At the same time new ones come to take their place. On average, a hair grows 1-1,5 cm per month. When a new hair is formed in a bulb, old one falls out.

What do we know about our hair?

- Female hairs live up to 10 years, while male ones only ? 3 years

- Blondes have most thick hair ? about 140 thousands of hairs. Brunettes ? 102 thousands, brown-haired women ? 109, red ? 88 thousands.

- Nationality, place of living influence thickness of hair. It is known, that natives of South have richer scalp, than natives of North.

- During day time hairs grow quicker, than during night.

- In spring-summer time hairs grow significantly more actively, than in autumn and winter.

- Speed of hair growth depends on age. The most active growth takes place between 15 and 30 years, any by 40 years speed of hair growth begins slowing down significantly.

Business-ladies are in danger!

Unfortunately, not all women can boast of wonderful chevelure in modern conditions of life. According to statistics, by 2010 year alopecia threatens to 70% of men and 10% of women in Europe.

First of all, business-ladies are in risk group. The matter is, that in strong women?s blood there?s an excess of male hormone testosterone, and it contributes to ?business? pelade.

Why do hairs fall out?

When conditions of head skin and blood circulation are normal, there is no excessive falling out of hairs.

Sudden falling out can start because of:

- significant decrease of quantity of estrogens (female sexual hormones) after pregnancy, childbirth;

- taking of some contraceptive preparations, containing substances, increasing level of androgens in blood;

- bad blood circulation;

- lack of nutrition for hair roots;

- operations with usage of general anaesthetic, inflectional diseases of head skin;

- excessive greasiness;

- poor nutrition (lack of vitamins and microelements);

- stresses;

- chronic not getting enough sleep.

Young mother may have several reasons for hair loss: from hormonal ones to problems with sleep, you know, not every baby will sleep 5-6 hours per night since first months, especially if he is on free feeding and is put to breast upon request.

Recipes to keep your hair

In fact, you will not find such advices, like ?you need to sleep at least 8 hours per day?, or ?forget about stresses and be always calm? here. We have to repeat again, that full-value sleep and soul balance are almost unique events for a young mother.

Another obstacle: constant lack of time for yourself. So try not to refuse from your relatives? help: it will be good, if someone of them takes care of a baby during 15-20 minutes, while you will take care of yourself.

One of our readers writes:

- Hairs started fall our strongly 4 months after childbirth. And during following 3 months I lost, probably, 30% of my hairs, they definitely became thin. If I had enough time for myself, I would not lose so much hair. However, when I got tired, during first time I always chose an opportunity to take a nap for another 30 minutes, than doing something useful. When I sounded alarm, I started using tried remedies for hair treatment, and process of falling out slowed down, I saw fewer hairs on my comb. And 2 months later I noticed that my hairs were back to normal again. Sometimes my husband helped me to steal moments for myself, sometimes it was my mother, and I?m very grateful to them for this.

It is important to note, that anyway, you should not panic, as falling out of hair stops on average in 4-6 months simultaneously with hormonal reconstruction of organism. But the question is about how much hair you can lose. While correct care you can prevent excessive hair loss, and renew damaged hair and head skin.

So, try one of following effective methods of struggle against hair loss:

1. Apply steamed out rye-bread on wet hair, rub in skin slightly and wrap up your head with a warm towel. 30 minutes later, massaging head skin and wiping hair, wash out bread and rinse with one of herbal extracts, for example, nettle or rosemary extract.

2. Rub egg yolk in moistened hair, massaging head skin, wrap up head warmly and in 30 minutes wash your hair the way you wash them with shampoo.

3. You can wash you hair with warm buttermilk, rubbing it carefully in head skin.

Wrap up head for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm herbal extract or decoction carefully, according to following receipts:

- Prepare a decoction of honeysuckle stalks (6 table spoons for 1liter of water, boil 10 minutes, draw for 30 minutes, filter) and use for washing your hair, if you suffer from shedding, during 3 weeks every other day.

- In German folk-medicine they use extract of nasturtium leaves and small nettle for rubbing in head skin while hair shedding.

- If you suffer from itch while dandruff and hair shedding, then you should wash your hair with a strong decoction of equal parts of willow rind and burdock roots.

- Take 20 roots of calamus, 20 g of burdock root, 25 g of great nettle, 10 g of calendula flowers, boil everything in 1 liter of boiling water on slow fire during 5 minutes. Decoction should draw in warm place for 2 hours. After you filter it, use it for smearing your hair and slight massage, after washing your hair. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times during month.

- One of effective remedies against hair shedding is washing hair with calamus and burdock roots 3 times per week during month. To prepare it take 2 table spoons of both roots, add a couple of handfuls of hop cones, pour with 1 liter of boiling water, boil during 5 minutes, draw.

- Take 3 table spoons of nettle leaves and 3 table spoons of coltsfoot leaves, brew in 1 liter of boiling water and 1 hour later filter, wash your hair 3 times per week during month, massaging head skin.

- If you can stand garlic smell well, try to rub garlic juice, mixed with honey in proportion 1 : 2, in your head skin. Carry out this procedure every other day during month. With this procedure completed, rinse hair carefully with one of herbal decoctions with deodorant qualities, for example rosemary.

Here are some other receipts from our readers:

- Carry out a course of hair treatment, consisting of 10 procedures: once a week you need to do masks, containing: egg yolk, 6 drops of appropriate for you oils and 1 mL of vegetable oil. Jojoba or avocado oils are better. Camomile, rosemary, sage, lemon, ylang-ylang, clary, lavender ? these are essential oils, most popular while hair shedding treatment. Jojoba oils are used while dandruff. If you have no jojoba oil, then you can replace it by some other one. You should spread this mixture on your hair evenly, cover head with a cap, leave for 40-90 minutes, and then you need to wash your hair.

- If you have no allergy on onion, then you can mix onion juice and honey in equal parts and rub in hair 30 minutes before you wash your head. Use hair conditioners for sure and comb hair very cautiously. You also can cut your hair shorter, so that to renew an intensive growth of stronger hair.

- Another ?onion? receipt: add onion peel to an oak rind decoction. Boil during 5 minutes. This receipt is especially useful for greasy hair.

- Massage salt in head skin during 2-3 minutes, then wash hair with shampoo.

What are other ways to help to your hair?

- During post-natal period take polyvitamins for nursing mothers.

- Eat less salty, smoked and pickled food. It is easier to observe this recommendation for nursing mothers: this is one of the conditions of a diet for nursing women, to avoid baby?s allergic reaction.

- Use hair-dryer seldom ? hot air deprives hair of moisture and makes them fragile. You should better create a turban of a towel, and then allow your hair dry naturally.

- Change combs more often, micro-cracks on them ? are niches for reproduction of microbes that damage head skin.

Yana Mikheeva is the creator of Baby Health Directory - Pregnancy, Birth, Parenting and Baby Care resources. Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy. She also has All about women site where you can find articles on various subjects, such as: diets, receipts, health, cellulite, figure, aromatherapy, wholesome food, psychology of relationships, pregnancy, parenting, fashion and many others.

Ever Tried to Defined The Meaning of Beauty?

Beauty is a word just like any the word. Looking it up in Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary it means A quality or combination of qualities that delights the senses or appeals to the mind. Nice words. It really doesn't say anything about defining beauty.

When it comes to defining beauty one might envision that famous model walking down a catwalk with a frown on her face and a some fancy designer clothes on her back. Or maybe that guy in the latest action movie shirt-less that just takes your breath away, making your heart pound in your chest. Handsome equals Beauty just depending on the person thinking about it.

Still, what is the meaning of beauty?(Don't bother looking it up again.)

What is missing is questions to think about when asked what defines Beauty?
How about a woman's joyful smile lighting up her face with the thought that finally, she is pregnant?
Or how about children seeing snow for the first time, ever?
Or rain needed to save a crop to a farmer?
Or even snowcapped mountains at sunset to a skier,
Or dew on a prized rose at first morning light to a gardener?
How about the eye's filled with tears of the woman you just asked to marry you , again after 25 years?
What about love?

Beauty is so many things to so many people who are all so different. The Dictionary left out a few words when it defined Beauty. It left out what appeals to the heart. The next time you might be asked if something is beautiful, ask yourself, does it appeal to my heart? If it does, you just defined beauty.

Copyright 2005 Kim Snyder, owner
Great lover of all natural beauty care and products.
Never happy without trying to make the world a little prettier for all.
Visit her at
Visit to see the latest in cosmetics and so much more.
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Serious Skin Care Tips and Treatments

So you want to look and feel healthy but have recurring acne, eczema, pimples or perhaps dry cracking heels and elbows? Or maybe it?s those wrinkles and fine lines that have begun to appear. Now is the time for a serious skin care routine because there?s help for all.

No two people are alike so no one method of skincare is right for everyone. You have to do the research for yourself.

Some of the most common skin dilemmas come from diet, hormonal and seasonal changes; from stress, sun damage or using the wrong skin care or makeup. Getting serious about identifying the problem means knowing some things about yourself.

Products for Anti Aging
Are you plagued by skin discoloration, dry skin, age spots or other age related problems? If so, there are many sites that offer a full line of products to counter the aging process. They may include a Cleanser, Toner, Anti-Aging Serum and Toner. Look for products that are recommended for sun damaged skin as well.

Acne Products
The first serious step to a clear skin is a clean skin. There are rich, gentle cleansers, soap-free and packed with skin clearing ingredients. Oil and dirt are removed while penetrating the pores to kill acne causing bacteria. This is an important step in the a proactive acne treatment system.

A pore clearing tonic eliminates harmful contaminants and clears any clogged pores to return the skin to a natural healthy balance.

Foundation Products
Good foundation products are the easiest way to get the look of an even, perfect skin. Begin around the nose and mouth to cover then blend outward. Cover any blemishes with a shade that matches, not your hair but your skin. Follow with powder to set the foundation and to get rid of shine.

Hands and Feet
There are lotions, creams and salves that promote a natural healing for chapped rough skin and cracked heels. The product should smooth, moisturize and protect and be mild enough for man, woman and child.

Hands are used in everyday activity. They take a lot of abuse and need a lot of attention.

Tips and Treatments

1.Soften by adding a teaspoon of almond oil to dishwater.

2.Slough off dead cells with a solution of sea salt and lemon.

3.Brush on with an old toothbrush twice a week to soften and remove discoloration.

4.Microwave a cup of milk for thirty seconds and soak hands for five minutes to strengthen nails and hydrate skin.

5.For softer skin lavish on Vaseline and then put on a pair of cotton gloves.

Wash hands thoroughly with warm water, using a coarse washcloth, rub briskly. While skin is slightly damp, apply a mixture of one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon olive oil. Place hands in small plastic bags and then into a pair of cotton gloves for thirty minutes while the mixture penetrates.

To Remove Stains

?mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup of water
?soak nails in the liquid for a few minutes

To Harden Soft Nails

?soak in warm olive oil for 20 minutes every second day

Tips for Serious Care

?manicure after doing dishes or following a shower or bath
?don?t use polish remover more than once a week ? dries the nails
?will crack and split when not well hydrated
?clear polish will minimize chipping or cracking
?keep cuticles well lubricated with a moisturizer

Dry skin may result in deep painful cracks in the feet. Approximately 60 percent of those with diabetes suffer from nerve damage, and may not feel the sores on the soles of their feet. If left untreated, they may become infected and create serious complications.

Honey Foot Bath
Honey is a great anti bacterial agent that contains antioxidants and is a great moisturizer.
1.1 tablespoon honey
2.1 tablespoon liquid dish soap
3.1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4.2 tablespoons sweet almond oil
Mix together in a bowl that will fit the feet. Add mixture and warm water and soak 10 minutes

Elbows, Knees and Heel Care
There are great creams available that specifically targets these often neglected areas of the body. Due to their location they are candidates for dryness, roughness and cracking.

The immediate application of the product will provide hydration, softness and increased skin tone. Use generously with a gentle massage to any rough spot - morning and evening and reapply throughout the day.

Get serious with a total skin care routine that provides for a healthy body. Cleanse properly and on a regular basis. Know your skin type and know your needs then find the skin care product to do the job.

It is a great boost to our outlook on life when we are feeling great. This is achieved by what we put 'into our skin' as well as what we put on our skin. So we need to approach good skin care in a serious manner. Rest and exercise takes care of the rest. More information can be found at and

Natural MakeUp: Organic Ingredients Make a Better Product

What makes an ingredient natural? More and more leading make-up companies are responding to the demands of today?s educated market and offering their customers make-up containing natural and organic ingredients. Women - and more and more men - are realizing the benefits of leaving behind the man-made ingredients used in cheaper cosmetics and looking for the quality and results that come from natural make up. Cosmetics that have been made using quality ingredients - natural products close to the original state, and, whenever possible, organic certified.

One of the most popular ingredients you find in any natural make-up is almond oil. It is excellent for dry, rough skin and very sensitive skin. You will see it used as a base in massage oil, body lotions and many many bath products. Because it is so gentle it can be used on even a baby?s skin. Almond oil is a natural moisturizer and protects then skin beautifully- making it a great choice for those is drier climates. Adding a few drops of your favourite essential oil, such as rose oil or lavender to almond oil makes wonderful massage oil.

Using natural and organic certified products only serves to enhance the healing qualities of natural ingredients. Reputable companies will not indulge in cheap mass produced ingredients such as petrochemicals, lauryl sulphate, parabins, laureth sulphate and low grade alcohol. Alcohol, which is used as a preservative is still an ingredient - but only food quality and plant derived - such as beet root. Fragrance and colors are never artificial ? artificial scents and additives are to be avoided when looking for a true natural make-up.

You will see the ingredient grape seed extract in a myriad of products. It has restorative properties and is a valuable ingredient in natural make-up - especially face creams and moisturizers. Grape seed extract comes from the tiny seeds of red grapes. Grape seed is extract is rich in anti-oxidants - in fact there are more antioxidants found in grape seed than in vitamins C and E. Grape seed extract will help maintain the skins? elasticity and is a key ingredient in any face cream.

Another ingredient listed on many cosmetic and natural make-up labels is Lemon Oil. You will most often find this in bath and body products, massage oil, lotions and foot care. Lemon oil is derived from a cold pressing of lemon peel. In quality natural cosmetics the oils will come from certified organic fruit. Lemon oil is believed to have energizing properties- often leaving the user feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Rose oil, sometimes called rose otto, is a popular ingredient found in many natural make-up and skin care lines. Be sure it is ?rose oil? and not ?rose essence?, which in most cases is synthetic. Synthetic rose oil has no healing benefits or therapeutic value. Rose oil is often used in skin care because of its gentleness - it is suitable for almost all skin types - especially dry or very sensitive skin. It?s also a much sought after ingredient in natural make-up because it has been attributed to the relief of depression, anxiety, spasms, tension, stress and menopausal problems. You will often see rose oil used in many bath products because of the relaxing and calming effect it has on the user. Rose oil?s delicate scent is thought to increase perception and for this reason and it is believed to have aphrodisiac properties.

Natural ingredients, organic certified ingredients are important to the quality and effectiveness of the products you put on your skin. When you are choosing a natural make-up, look at the labels and try and get a better understanding of what you are putting on your skin - and what is being absorbed into your body. Knowing what is safe and what is effective will help you make better decisions about the products you buy. Using natural sources such as plants and herbs rather than synthetic man-made chemicals is always a better choice. Look for high-quality ingredients, ingredients that are not synthetic and are certified organic on the products you buy.

LJ Bronart is freelance writer in Toronto, Canada. She hopes to promote the organic products and the use of more natural make up.

Buying Wholesale Salon Equipment

Buying salon equipment from a wholesaler is one option to consider when opening a new hair, nail or tanning salon. Wholesalers of salon equipment typically offer many different styles and brands of equipment because they don?t specialize in one particular brand over another. This allows the consumer many options when equipping their business.

Many wholesale suppliers of salon equipment are available online and consumers are able to quickly and conveniently browse through online catalogs to determine which equipment best suits their business needs. Many of these wholesalers also offer free shipping to entice consumers to make a purchase.

Wholesale suppliers can also offer lower prices than smaller businesses that specialize in beauty equipment. They often carry a very large inventory and possess the power to make bulk purchases, allowing them to offer deeper discounts to their customers. Wholesale suppliers also offer financing or leasing options to the customer. This is a convenient way to allow business owners to grow their business, especially during the start up phase. Typically, wholesale salon equipment comes with a warranty that may vary from a standard 3-year warranty to a lifetime warranty -- which is typically attached to more expensive equipment. It is also important to ensure that wholesale salon equipment may be returned or exchanged if it is found to be substandard or defective.

In addition to the general cost savings of purchasing wholesale salon equipment, consumers may further save money if they purchase wholesale salon equipment that is offered as clearance. Many wholesale suppliers offer a selection of clearance equipment at deeply discounted prices. This equipment may have a low turnover rate and the supplier wishes to quickly liquidate the items. Consumers can save significantly when buying new items that are offered on clearance.

Wholesale suppliers can offer a consumer great savings on wholesale salon equipment. Prior to making a purchase, it is important to conduct research. Ensure you are purchasing from a reputable supplier that offers a solid return or exchange policy. If the policy being offered is inadequate or is not easily understood, it may be a wise decision to purchase elsewhere.

Salon Equipment Info provides detailed information about beauty, hair, nail, tanning salon equipment, as well as wholesale and discount salon equipment. Salon Equipment Info is the sister site of Hair Extensions Web.

A PlainEnglish Guide to Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has become an increasingly popular method of depilation in recent years, for many good reasons. But like most other beauty treatments, it should be undertaken with caution and with a little bit of research under your belt, so here are the most important factors to bear in mind when considering whether laser hair removal is right for you.

First of all, what is laser hair removal? Unless you want to understand the physics of light, there's a very simple definition. In the hands of an experienced beauty therapist, a handheld device emits a particular wavelength of light, which destroys the hair without harming the skin that surrounds it. It's a simple technique that's easy to administer, and more importantly, unlike waxing or sugaring, it's relatively pain free.

There are, however, some disadvantages associated with this method of hair removal, and it's unfortunately not suitable for everyone. Because the laser destroys dark material, the hair to be removed must be darker than the skin surrounding it, so those with very fair hair might not be eligible for laser hair removal.

Recently tanned skin is also unsuited to this method of hair removal, so be careful to avoid the sun before you schedule your appointment. Any type of skin damage may be exacerbated by the use of lasers, so take good care of your skin before you take that trip to the beauty salon, and postpone your appointment should you develop any skin injuries, such as a rash, or a cut.

Laser hair removal is sometimes advertised as a permanent system of hair removal, and while this method of depilation often does yield long-lasting results, there is not yet enough evidence to support a blanket claim of permanent hair loss. Laser hair removal is most effective on those with paler skins and dark hair, and many people matching this description have found that regrowth is minimal, with new hairs finer and lighter than prior to treatment.

Laser hair removal is more expensive than other methods of depilation, and as the area of unwanted hair can require a number of treatments before optimal results are seen, the cost can quickly add up. But for those who regular spend a small fortune on shavers, waxing strips and other hair removal tools, the effectiveness of laser surgery can make it a real money saver in the long run.

It is important to remember that a laser can be dangerous in the wrong hands, so be careful to find a professional and reputable salon to perform your laser hair removal. Find a beauty therapist with whom you feel comfortable, and ask any and all questions you need to put your mind at ease. Don't be afraid to ask about your therapist's qualifications and experience - all laser hair removal practitioners should be licensed physicians or registered nurses.

Laser hair removal is an effective technique than can bring wonderful results. Relatively painless - expect a slight tingling sensation when the laser is in use - and long-lasting, laser hair removal is, however, a technique that requires skilled hands. Treat your skin with the respect it deserves and find a well-qualified and experienced practitioner to perform the procedure, and say goodbye to that unwanted hair.

Article written exclusively for For more information and articles on Laser Hair Removal, visit

Massive Weight Loss Causes "Turkey Waddle" for WLS Patients

A friend of mine who recently lost nearly 150 pounds after gastric bypass was sharing her excitement with an acquaintance. She was excited because all symptoms of her Type II Diabetes were gone and she no longer takes any medication ? she feels healthier than ever in her life.

Then the acquaintance, a life-long skinny-minny, burst her bubble, ?But doesn?t having that turkey neck bother you? You know, all that wrinkly skin just hanging there??

What a cruel world. My friend was crushed. It is true, she has a turkey neck. Most people who lose massive weight will have a saggy wrinkly neck so kindly referred to in the cosmetic surgery profession as ?turkey waddle?. A saggy neck is a small price to pay for better health and wellness. Even so, we want to look our best after weight loss surgery and having someone draw attention to this residue of our obesity is disheartening.

There are some surgical options to tighten then neck skin: A neck lift is actually a set of procedures used to enhance the appearance of your neck:

?Cervicoplasty is the procedure used to remove excess skin

?Platysmaplasty removes or alters neck muscles

A plastic surgeon also can perform neck liposuction, which removes excess fat. In some cases, Botox injections may be the answer to your problems if you have fullness or bands.

A neck lift was out of the question for my friend, so we did some research and found a more holistic approach that yielded some improvement. From Bharti Vyas? book, ?Beauty Wisdom? we found the following advice:

?Give your neck a weekly massage

?Hold your head in proper alignment ? imagine that your head is being pulled upwards by a piece of string attached to the crown

?Cleanse your neck night and morning the same as you do your face, starting at the collarbones and working up to the jawline.

?Apply a rich-moisturizing cream at night and moisturize with sunscreen during the day. Cover front and sides of neck and the area around the collarbones.

?Exfoliate your neck weekly.

?For crepey neck, apply almond oil as a nourishing moisturizer.

Ms. Vyas also recommends some simple exercise to tone neck muscles (and *Bonus* these are wonderfully relaxing):

?Hold your head in a central position, then lean it as far over as you can towards one shoulder and hold for a count of 10. Your neck may feel rather stiff to begin with. Repeat on the other side, making sure that your shoulders remain still and relaxed throughout. Do five repetitions.

?Keeping your chin level, turn your head to one side so that the chin is over your shoulder. Incline the head backward in a ?come hither? movement. Repeat on the other side. Repeat the sequence five times.

My friend follows these practices faithfully. Her neck is not flawless, but to me it?s beautiful. She has collarbones and a chin and a beaming smile on her healthy face.

Copyright ? 2005 Kaye Bailey - All Rights Reserved.

Kaye Bailey is a weight loss surgery success story having maintained her health and goal weight for 5+ years. An award winning journalist, she is the author and webmaster of and

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Tips to Look Younger

Almost every woman wants to look young at all times. Most of them put in their best efforts to look beautiful and young forever. Mentioned below are a few don?ts for women who want to look young:

A woman must not apply foundation cream before putting powder, because a woman will appear pale and unhealthy instead of displaying a fair complexion.

The powder foundation must be avoided if possible because it gets gathered in the wrinkles of the skin and the wrinkles can be seen clearly.

Avoid glimmering eye shadow. The glimmering eye shadow when applied does not enhance the natural beauty of the face. Brown eye shadows bring a pale and a dull look to the face, hence it is advised to not use it.

Black colored eyeliners do not enhance a women?s look because they appear like two lines on the eyes. Do not use any faint colored liner because it does not hide any defects under your eyes.

Do not thin your eyebrows because very thin lines of brows make you look aged. Make sure that the cosmetics you use is not too dark or gaudy. See that the makeup does not get accommodated in between furrows and creases on your face. Do not put lip liner prominently as it will sometimes make you look like a clown.

Follow the above-mentioned tips and look young and beautiful.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

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5 Insider Beauty Secrets Other Women Don't Want You To Know! (Part 1)

Imagine what you would do if you knew miracle working beauty secrets. And if you had the self confidence that comes with being beautiful.

Now before you laugh and say you'll never be beautiful, listen up.

I know where you're coming from! At one time I didn't know any beauty secrets.

Before I learned any beauty secrets I was plain, even bordering on ugly. I had acne, chapped lips, weight issues, wardrobe disasters, and not so white teeth.

But thats all become past with the 5 beauty secrets that have changed my life.

I pulled through all my beauty disasters and learned some valuable beauty secrets as a result.

Now people are always commenting to me on my beauty. Saying I should be a model, etc.... And guys are no longer even an issue! I don't have to look for them, they come to me.

It turns out the best beauty secrets are those that are won by personal knowledge and experience. Not just by reading general tips in magazines.

So by experimentation over the years and by perseverance, I've found out what really works and what doesn't.

Beauty Secret 1

Unchap/beautify your lips with this trick.

For soft, beautifully kissable lips, you need the following: a washcloth (I'm not kidding either), warm water, and your favorite brand of lip balm.

First you apply a coat of lip balm. Then wet one corner of the washcloth, put the warm wet corner of the washcloth between your lips, press them together and hold for 5 seconds.

Then gently massage any remaining lip balm from lips with the wet corner of washcloth, and dry lips with a corner thats dry.

Apply lip balm again to keep your lips chap free. You may also apply lipstick or lip gloss on over the layer of lip balm.

I learned this was the best way to keep lips from chapping, after going through too many winters with dried, and chapped lips.

Beauty Secret 2

Clear your acne, and get beautiful skin.

For clear glowing skin, a little home remedy does wonders for my complexion, as it should with yours too.

Steam your face for 20 minutes every night after washing it, then every other night after steaming your face, massage a half teaspoon castor oil over face.

Leave it on at night while you sleep and wash off immediately upon waking. Steam face for twenty more minutes in the morning after washing. When you finish steaming your face splash your face with cool water and dry it.

If your skin starts to show any signs of a pimple forming. Take one night off from steaming and applying castor oil and apply Benzoyl Peroxide over face.

Take the next night off also from the steaming, castor oil, and benzoyl peroxide. Continue facial regimen with steaming and castor oil the following night.

This beauty secret will moisturize your face at the same time it will help clear up acne and pimples. But only if you work at it consistently.

Beauty Secret 3

Good taste in clothes.

When shopping for clothes try to stay away from really big prints, or weird mixes of colors (eg. green, pink and blue flowers combined on a white background, for instance).

Clothes like these just scream I'm color blind! And if you in fact, actually are color blind, always shop with a friend who isn't and has good taste in clothes.

Buy basic colors. Solid reds, pinks, blues, whites, and blacks. Or things with small tasteful prints and designs.

Then mix and match each basic color with a corresponding one (blue goes well with white, pink, and sometimes with red, and different shades of the same color almost always go well together).

Put these beauty secrets to use, and start seeing the benefits today. Be sure to read Part 2 of this article, which contains the last 2 beauty secrets.

In Part 2 I'll teach you the beauty secrets for whitening your smile without draining your bank account. And how to use clothes to your advantage by hiding figure flaws and defects. Click Here For Part 2 Of Beauty Secrets